Please use dapp browser or extension (Metamask, Trust or another)...
Please connect your wallet...
Oops... Seems that you have not created any tokens yet.
Let's create your first token - it is easy!
Loading your tokens...
Create a token
Name: E.g. Ethereum
Token name is required!
Symbol: E.g. ETH
Symbol is required!
Decimals: Number of digits after the decimal point. E.g. for decimals 3 the min. token qty is 0.001 token.
Decimals are required and must be 0 or more!
Total supply: Qty of tokens to be created
Input total supply!
Choose a token type:
Fixed supply token is the most basic / standard token without any admin functions.
Burnable token has a burn function that lets you decrease token supply by "burning" tokens.
Burnable & mintable token has a burn function that lets you decrease token supply by "burning" tokens and a mint function to "mint" more tokens and increase supply.
Burnable & mintable & capped token has a burn function that lets you decrease token supply by "burning" tokens and a mint function to "mint" more tokens and increase supply. Maximum total supply is limited by a cap (capped).
Deflationary token has an automatic "deflation" function - a certain % of tokens are burned with every transaction. It also has a manual burn function & whitelist (whitelisted addresses can send and receive tokens without deflation).
Taxable token can have up to 3 taxes (each transaction is taxed and the taxes are sent to preset addresses) and alternatively an automatic "deflation" function - a certain % of tokens can be burned with every transaction. It also has a manual burn function & whitelist (whitelisted addresses can send and receive tokens without any taxes or deflation).
Cap (max. total supply): Max. total supply - you can't mint tokens over this quantity. This parameter is fixed.
Input cap! Cap can't be less than total supply.
Deflation: % This % of tokens will be burned during each transaction (except whitelisted addresses). E.g. if deflation is 5% then the receiver will receive 95% and 5% will be burned.
Input deflation % (<50%)! If you don't want deflation just set it to 0.
Set the taxes and wallets for each tax. If you don't want to use a tax just set it to 0.
Tax 1:% to wallet
Incorrect wallet address!
Tax 2:% to wallet
Incorrect wallet address!
Tax 3:% to wallet
Incorrect wallet address!
Total taxes will be 0%
Total taxes are too high! Taxes and deflation totally can't be over 50%!
Connect your wallet!
Transaction will fail because your wallet must have enough balance to cover creation cost if any + gas!
Other options (coming soon):
Max. transaction value can be limited (for all users except whitelisted). This function allows the token owner to withdraw any tokens sent accidentally to the token contract.
Fixed parameters can't be changed after deployment. Adjustable can be changed any time using token admin panel. Whitelist (exclude from taxes) is always available for both options because it is needed for listing on exchanges etc.
Please check and correct some errors!
Tokens will be minted to your wallet
Cost: 0.1BNB
All created smart contracts are 100% owned by you and whitelabel - we do not include our name or links to smart contract codes.
We do not have any admin access to your contracts.
How to use
1. Connect your wallet. You can use desktop browser extension or dapp browser of your mobile wallet. We recommend using Metamask. Make sure that your wallet balance is enough to pay the creation cost and gas.
2. Fill in the token creation form. Check that everything is correct.
3. Click Create button and confirm transaction in your wallet.
4. Once the transaction is confirmed, you can see your new token in My tokens list.
If you can't see your token in the list try to reload the page, make sure your wallet that you used to create the token is connected and you are using correct blockchain network.
Which wallet can I use?
You can use any mobile wallet with dapp browser or desktop browser extension wallet that supports Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
Some of the most popular examples are Metamask (recommended), Trust Wallet (does not support testnets).
I can not see my tokens in my wallet
You can manually import tokens to your wallet using it's contract address, metamask users can also do it in one click using a button in the token admin panel.
What about verification?
Tokens smart contracts are automatically uploaded to bscscan (only mainnet). Follow bscscan tutorials and support for any further actions on their website.
Can my token be listed on exchanges?
Absolutely. Our tokens are 100% standard BEP20 tokens that can be used with any BEP20-compatible platforms, tools and contracts. You can create a token sale, list your token on exchanges, lock tokens and do whatever can be done with any other BEP20 token.
Can I test everything before paying for a token?
Yes, just switch your wallet to Binance Smart Chain TESTNET and try everything for free.
Referral program
Earn with us! It is easy - just share your referral link and get % from each referred user instantly to your wallet.
1. Copy your referral link referral link
2. Share your referral link to invite users to our website.
3. Every time a referred user creates a token you receive instant payment to your wallet - % of the token cost.
Your total referral earnings:
Check the information below attentively because this transaction can't be undone and is not refundable:
You are creating a token on BSC mainnet
Total supply:
Cap (max. supply):
Deflation: %
Tax1: % to
Tax2: % to
Tax3: % to
Tokens will be minted to your wallet
Please confirm the transaction in your wallet and wait for the contract creation...
Once successfully created your token will appear in your tokens list. If not please reload the page.
Tokens will be minted to your wallet
Copy addressAdd to wallet list
Total supply:
Cap (max. supply):
Total supply can't exceed cap!
You are trying to burn more than you have!
Deflation percent: %
Deflation status:
Tax 1 percent: %
Tax 1 address:
Tax 1 status:
Tax 2 percent: %
Tax 2 address:
Tax 2 status:
Tax 3 percent: %
Tax 3 address:
Tax 3 status:
This will turn on/off all the taxes and deflation
Whitelisted addresses are not taxable - they can send and receive full amounts without taxes and deflation)
Lock ownership for days
Attention: there is no way to unlock ownership before the lock time expires. Absolutely no way.